Monday, June 9, 2014

The Race

Today is our last day of teacher workshop before summer break.  I always leave school with a box full of curriculum and texts that I want to review and revamp before the fall.  I promise myself that I am going to take a break from school work until after the 4th of least.  Sometimes it is longer, and sometimes I work most of the summer.

At our workshop today we watched and discussed this documentary:

Have you seen it?  I know it is a few years old, but I had only seen parts of it until now.  The film discusses the pressure students, staff, and communities are under to produce high achieving students who go on to be high achieving adults.  Many more students are suffering from anxiety and depression as a result of the stresses put upon them by parents, schools, and themselves.

As a teacher and a parent, I am going to take some time this summer to think about how I can lessen the stressful burden on myself, my children, and my students.  I am going to relax and do activities that I am passionate about (such as continuing to develop this blog) and encourage my children to do the same.  I hope to revamp my lessons to focus more on deep thinking activities and less on busy work.  I will still be ready for school in the fall......but I'm hopeful that I will feel more refueled and ready to go than ever before.